Diploma Translation Service

Your diploma represents years of dedication and hard work, and ensuring its recognition across borders is essential. Our diploma translation services are designed to provide the precision and professionalism needed for your academic achievements to be valued globally. Whether you’re applying for further studies, seeking employment, or relocating, our certified translation services offer the accuracy and credibility you require.

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Por qué elegirnos


✓ Conocimiento Académico
Traductores jurados
✓ Accurate Terminology


✓ Entrega puntual
✓ Garantía de calidad
✓ Manejo confidencial


✓ Amplia cobertura de idiomas
✓ Servicios flexibles
✓ Responsive Assistance

Best Diploma Translator

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1.Why Choose Our Diploma Translation Services?

  • Certified Accuracy: Our team of certified translators specializes in academic document translation, ensuring that every detail of your diploma is translated with precision. We adhere to the highest standards of accuracy, maintaining the integrity of your original document.
  • Global Recognition: Our translations are accepted by educational institutions, employers, and government agencies worldwide. We provide notarized translations and affidavits of accuracy, giving you the confidence that your translated diploma will be recognized wherever you go.
  • Expertise in Various Disciplines: We have experience translating diplomas across a wide range of disciplines, from engineering and medicine to arts and humanities. Our translators are well-versed in the specific terminology and nuances of your field, ensuring a flawless translation.
  • Fast Turnaround: We understand the urgency that often accompanies diploma translation requests. Our efficient processes and dedicated team ensure that you receive your translated diploma promptly, without compromising on quality.
  • Confidentiality Assured: We prioritize the confidentiality and security of your academic documents. Our secure translation platform and strict privacy policies ensure that your personal information remains protected throughout the translation process.

2.Translation Purpose

Diploma translation serves several essential purposes, enabling individuals to navigate academic and professional landscapes across different countries. Here’s why diploma translation is crucial:

  • Pursuing Higher Education: Many educational institutions require translated diplomas as part of the admission process for international students. Accurate translations ensure that your academic achievements are recognized and evaluated correctly, allowing you to meet admission requirements and enroll in desired programs.
  • Employment Opportunities: Employers often request translated diplomas to verify your educational qualifications. An accurate and certified translation helps potential employers understand your credentials, increasing your chances of securing a job in a new country.
  • Immigration and Visa Applications: Government agencies may require translated diplomas for immigration or visa applications. These documents help officials assess your educational background, supporting your application for residency, work permits, or other immigration processes.
  • Professional Licensing and Certification: Certain professions, such as medicine, law, and engineering, require official recognition of your educational qualifications. Translated diplomas are necessary for obtaining professional licenses and certifications in these fields, enabling you to practice your profession in a new country.
  • Personal Records: Having your diploma translated ensures that you have a complete and accurate record of your academic achievements in multiple languages. This can be valuable for personal documentation and future use.
  • Legal Requirements: In some cases, translated diplomas are required for legal proceedings, such as verifying qualifications in a court of law or during legal disputes. Certified translations ensure that your documents are legally recognized and valid.
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Diploma Translation in 3 Simple Steps


Empiece por enviar sus documentos químicos para traducir a través de nuestra cómoda plataforma en línea o póngase en contacto directamente con nuestro equipo. Aceptamos varios formatos de archivo y podemos acomodar proyectos de traducción tanto a pequeña como a gran escala.


Una vez que recibimos sus documentos químicos, nuestro equipo de traductores experimentados, especializados exclusivamente en la industria química, traducirá meticulosamente el contenido manteniendo la exactitud técnica y la precisión lingüística.


Tras la traducción, nuestro equipo de calidad revisa los documentos para garantizar su precisión, coherencia y cumplimiento de las normas. Utilizamos herramientas avanzadas para verificar la terminología, la gramática y el formato, garantizando su satisfacción.

Translating diplomas involves a few key qualifications and considerations to ensure accuracy and credibility. Here’s what you typically need to consider:

  • Professional Translation Skills: Translators should have a strong grasp of both the source and target languages, with a particular focus on academic and legal terminology. They need to accurately convey the meaning of the original document.
  • Subject Matter Expertise: Understanding the educational context and terminology is crucial. Translators should be familiar with various educational systems and qualifications to accurately translate the content.
  • Certification and Accreditation: While not always required, having certifications from recognized translation bodies (like ATA or ITI) can add credibility. Some jurisdictions may require translated diplomas to be notarized or certified by a professional translation service.
  • Attention to Detail: Accurate translation of all elements on the diploma, including the names, dates, grades, and institutional details, is essential. Any mistakes can affect the document’s legitimacy.
  • Confidentiality: Translators must handle personal and sensitive information with the utmost confidentiality and care.
  • Formatting: The translated diploma should closely match the format of the original document to ensure that it is easily recognized and understood by institutions or authorities reviewing it.
  • Legal Compliance: In some cases, there may be specific legal requirements or standards for diploma translation, depending on the country or institution receiving the document.

Ensuring these qualifications helps maintain the integrity of the translation and ensures that the translated diploma is accepted for official purposes.

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4.Price System

  • Las tarifas de traducción entre diferentes idiomas pueden variar. Generalmente, el costo de traducir pares de idiomas comunes es menor, mientras que los idiomas raros o específicos de ciertos campos pueden tener tarifas más altas.
  • La traducción generalmente se cobra según el número de palabras o páginas del documento fuente. Los informes resumidos más extensos generarán mayores costos de traducción.
  • Los servicios de interpretación normalmente se cobran por horas.
  • Los grandes proyectos de traducción pueden ser elegibles para descuentos.

¿Necesita una traducción?

En menos de 30 minutos se pondrá en contacto con uno o varios lingüistas profesionales. Sin necesidad de rellenar largos formularios.

¿Tiene un proyecto grande?

Su solicitud de traducción o localización será evaluada oficialmente. También puede hacer clic aquí para preferir el correo electrónico.

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