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Der Unterschied zwischen der chinesischen und der japanischen Kultur

The comparison and analysis of cultural differences between China and Japan reveal distinct variations in everyday life, social customs, and commercial activities. Here, we found these differences, highlighting both similarities and disparities: 1. Etiquette and Respect:    Significant differences exist between China and Japan regarding welcoming guests and managing interpersonal relationships. Japanese culture emphasizes meticulous

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Professionelle Marketing-Übersetzung

Marketing translation is a critical component of global business success, transcending mere word translation. It is an art form that bridges diverse audiences worldwide. Understanding language nuances and cultural subtleties is key. Striking a balance between consistency and adaptability is paramount. Jinyu translation offers expert marketing translation services that enable businesses to execute their global

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Übersetzung juristischer Dokumente

All commercial activities are inseparable from contracts. The importance of contracts determines that the translation of contracts is very important and relatively special. Small mistakes can cause huge financial losses. Practice has proved that it is not the large declarative clauses that are prone to errors in contract translation, but precisely some key details, such

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App Localization

Wie lokalisieren Sie eine App?

App localization opens up new opportunities and a huge audience of potential users for developers and publishers, which are separated only by the language barrier. A thorough and methodical approach to mobile app localization will not only pay off but also bring extra revenue. What is App Localization? Localizing an application involves adapting it to a specific language,

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Wie Sie Ihre Geburtsurkunde übersetzen

A certified birth certificate translation is often required for various purposes, such as immigration, travel, obtaining a passport, and legal and academic matters. Our professional translators have handled birth certificates issued all over the world and have the knowledge to handle your translation. What is a Birth Certificate? A birth certificate is an official document

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